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Jack Edgell

Walking around the area of Beamish Pit, remembering what was there. Different shafts. Stanley explosion. Pitmen gambling. Wagonways, screens, "pug lime" made from ballast. Life of ponies. Pick sharpener. The ambulance and ambulance house, colliery doctor. Coal carts, wages. Occupants of various houses around. Worked as a joiner looking after houses, various rooms within, ash closets. Store house, wagon shop, blacksmith's shop, a suicide. Other pits in the area. More on middens, people breaking seats. People airing clippy mats on the hedge and routine of cleaning brasses. Replacing window panes. Leeks. Communal ovens. Pig keeping, killing, food gained; other livestock kept. Man walking a flock of geese around before Christmas. Wearing uncomfortable collars as a child, played tricks with them.

Location: Beamish
County: Durham


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