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Ada Hull

Layout of Elisabethville School in 1928 when she arrived, facilities, slates. Other schools in the area including boys taught in old Belgian hospital. Huts in the area, people liked them. Poor children, sending to clinic for blue gentian and nit treatment. Class with mice, wind blowing in, hard for children to afford school trip. During world war two, early school dinners because women working. No hall so exercise in classrooms or outside, a problem.Murphy's show stopping in the week before Race Week. The bus journey from Stanley. Trouble getting around in snow storms, eg of steps of long hike back home in one. One Belgian family left. School heating. Pattern of holidays. Lessons, including art with plasticine. Firewatching duty. School air raid shelters. Bombs dropped in area. After tape: at school, knitting, Empire Day, staff dinners.

Location: Elisabethville, Birtley, Stanley
County: Durham


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