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Bob Barker

1926 strike - cricket and looking for coal. Denied any poor relief. Working in the pit from 14, Twizell. Fathers marra who wouldn’t accept financial help. Deaths from siliconiosis. Houses - 13 of them in two pit houses knocked together. Bathing in front of fire, father wouldn’t wash his back. Father on the dole. Father fined for fighting - miners fights and rivalries. Being taken on at Twizell. Most of the village interrelated. House with a beetle infestation. Grew rhubarb up to seven feet tall. Pig killing - man who made a mess of it, sticking chisels in the pigs head, had to go and help slit throat. Collecting blood for puddings. Black man accidentally cycled into the pig shed. Uses strong dialect. Local streets. Telford's drift, water being pumped out. Problems with gas in the pit, lamps going out, firedamp, incidents where in danger of suffocation - in one case got very angry with brakesman as thought he had endangered eight lives. Checking safe to return by sending lamp down. Slight memory of Stanley Pit disaster.

Location: Chophill, Twizell, Beamish
County: Durham


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