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Mr C. Robinson

First memories of celebration during Boer war. Mother worked several jobs, as did he from the age of ten - delivering papers and working in the butchers. Became a machine fitter, bosses would come round and show how to do things. Work conditions - braziers, work done, hours, filthy, locked out if late, days off without pay. In early scout troupe. Collecting jam jars for a penny to get into lantern slide show. Sneaking into the cinema. Helping with programmes at the theatre. Grandfather a keelman - busy quayside, cargoes, uniform kept spotless, the wherry, hard work. Making own tools. 1926 strike, violent police. Being on the dole, queuing at the labour exchange, sometimes would offer a job somewhere but most jobs through pubs and chapels. Got in trouble for refusing a job. Food in childhood. Men waiting to be offered work for the day, corruption in getting jobs, people reduced from good jobs. Working at Swan Hunters, lied about having worked on ships before. First tramcars, tram accident, avoided lines as told dangerous electricity. Tommy on the bridge and other characters, Sandy Ginny who pretended to be a man to work down the pit. Entertainment on the street around Bigg Market on a Saturday night, shops open late. Horse and cart used for loads, first steam tractor. First car saw, owned by doctor. Quack doctor who did escapology tricked into nearly suffocating. Motorbikes and road conditions.

Location: Newcastle, Gateshead
County: Tyne and Wear


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