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John Kell

Seems to be discussing various objects - picks with men's marks, Tommy hawks used by the wagonway man. Tools for drawing timber, wedges, picks, nails, barrel machine for drilling holes in stone. Rails for the home, by mantelpiece; stools, walking stick, poker, prodder, paisley shawl, bible, egg poacher, grater. Puddings. Housework, parent's seats. Lamps hung over dad's chair. Electricity came to village in 1936.

Location: Leasingthorne
County: Durham
Transcript of audio:
When I first went down the mine, I use to go in the dark at six o'clock and I had a bottle of water and a bait of pork. That was a pork of bread and whatever your Mother put you in for your bait you see, in slices. And it would go around your arm on a string and tie it up.


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