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Mr Rutter

Captain Johnstone, the colliery owner. The pitch and toss school and policing. Poaching - would catch songbirds and keep them for the song. Sports played. Appearance of Waterhouses railway station, where people went. Time when Duke of Edinburgh stopped overnight in a carriage in sidings here. Crossing keeper. Travel by trap. Local handyman and the things he made, he also kept a fox on a chain. People's livestock and growing of button hole flowers. Colliery doctor and his habits. Sounds of the colliery buzzers, could show pits idle. Children collecting and delivering manure from a little bogey cart. Electricity reaching village. Indoor lighting. Making proggy mats, could tell who had done which bit. Getting or making clothing. Children playing in the street. Cigarette cards. Soldiers home on leave in world war one.

Location: Waterhouses, Quebec
County: Durham


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