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Mr Gowland

Beamish chapel – history of it. Music, love feast, Sunday school, special congregations at Yew Tops, camp meetings, heating, decorations, mining beneath the chapel – could hear people shout at ponies, furniture, routines, visiting preachers, chapel social life, sermons, congregation, lectures, flowers, organ, weddings, funerals. Those who strictly kept Sunday free. Treatment as a conscientious objector during world war two

Location: Beamish
County: Durham
Transcript of audio:
Well I think about, when I was 3 years of age, my mother took me to what was called a Love Feast. It was a form of sacrament. The steward of the Church brought wine, excuse me, water in loving cup and everybody had to have a drink of water from this after which there was a plate of biscuits brought round and you had to have a portion of the biscuits. And a boy of three, I was always hungry, not enough to live on you know, and I grabbed the biscuits. I repeat I was three, but I always remember that incident, my mother was disgusted with me, but she soon got O.K. again.


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