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Mr Davison

Children "breeched". Hiding from Zeppelin. Co-op food department and ordering system. Horse and carts with milk, rabbits etc for sale. Crystal radio. Miniature railway delivering coals to the back yard. Middens, washhouses, lines across the alley, a few street lights. Fetching water, washing in rain barrel. Camping with scouts. "Pit time" ten minutes late to fit round trains. Women's work cleaning and mending pit clothes, proggy mats and baking. Newspaper for toilet paper, fetching water, horse muck. Children's games including skippy, jack shine a light, cigarette cards, red ash got everywhere. Running messages. Boy scouts - ironing the hat, parading, bands. Weddings and funerals. Marbles - from lemonade bottles. Christmas, learning to swim at the seaside. Entertainment by piano or gramophone. Pawn shop. Carnival, describes all the floats and bands. Co-op, ways goods sold. Miners made football pitch in 1926. Cinema, people reading out captions for illiterate relatives. Events at carnival eg greasy pole, Cumberland wrestling. School sports days. Colliery bands. Middens. Lots of dance halls. Easy to find pit work, get there on the tankey. Children's clothes. Girls often moved away to get work in service. Paint colours. Home hair cuts. Camping. Bonfire for 1935 jubilee. Causes of 1926 strike, political and pay-conditions. Illegal gambling - pitch and toss, bookies. More door to door sales. Local footballers. Process of bathing in tin tub. Police directing traffic. Clubs. Selling a few papers as a child.

Location: Ashington
County: Northumberland


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