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Mr Bailey

School. Brick making at Caseburn for 5 years, detailed description of methods. Work as a boilerman. Boilerman proud of his boilers and appearance. Colliery, engines, electricity generation. Living by "the clink" quarry. Houses with wood outside the brick, creosoted so they looked very black. Leisure at Bearpark, clog dancing, handball. Bonfire on November the 5th, fireworks. Billiards at the rectory. Transport, trips to the seaside in the brake. Village buildings, very old. Activities in the chapel schoolroom. Pound for stray cattle. Blacksmiths. Pubs - each had a specialism, quoits, leek show, rabbit coursing, hounds meeting.

County: Durham
Transcript of audio:
And then down in the quarry at Guy Fawkes time that was where they held the yearly bonfire. Children used to go into the farmer's fields and gather up the potato tops, hedge cuttings, old trees, anything you could get, and pile them up. Used to drag them and put them in the Dene pile, pile them up. We used to go up to the Clink every year to see the bonfire, the Clink was a rare place, nice and safe, out the way, so we had a rare time. They had crackers, and skyrockets, but not as huge as they have them today. And London lights, strike the matches and colour, you know, those sort of things. It was a great day going up the clink, the quarry, to see the bonfire. That was a long long time ago


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