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Ernie Keedy

Putting a water pipe in by Newburn bridge during world war two. Playing with detonator parts as a small child. Cleaning diving suits and hanging to dry. The "Arab" riots and the tensions that caused them, fault of boarding house keepers. Playing with boolers, marbles etc. Camping on Camel's Island, Marsden, makeshift tent, roasting potatoes. The West family, story involving tea and a seagull. Sid West raking for coal at the end of the jetty. Life too busy to be superstitious. Getting tows on the river if broken down. Guano works. Fish quay festival, fishermen drunk. 1930s films. Poor houses, overcrowded, men got drunk and had more children. Living by police station as a child. Following the water cart. Some horse drawn carts. Tall stories about a local pitman. During depression, some selling sticks, going crabbing. Shoeless children and penny dinners. Barricades on the beaches, bomb dropped near house.

Location: South Shields, Newcastle
County: Tyne and Wear


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