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Evacuated just before world war two broke out, stayed in Middleton in Teesdale. Introduced to rural life, different experiences - feeding goats, swimming in the river etc. Soldiers around. Siren was a policeman with a whistle. Aeroplane came over, shots in the street. Sweets hard to come by, things gradually rationed though to start with not too bad. After two years went back to live in Walker. Air raids heavy. Uncle too young to join up, at 18, but had to do fire duties. Family stayed together, all the women in house of grandfather. Inside the air raid shelter, gasmasks and gas suit for baby. Listening to the radio. Parties when lads came home on leave, always waiting for letters or information. Uncle Bobby survived Dunkirk, they had feared for him, but killed in action two years later. Blackout. Father taught mother to put out incendiary bombs. Ack ack guns and searchlights. Mother's cousin's house gutted in explosion but still lived there. Pleased when France re invaded, but mother pointed out "they're somebody's bairns". Letters were censored. Celebrations when soldiers returned home. Aunt sent away to have baby. Women on defensive guns. Wonderful that could gradually buy more things, though some rationing for a while. Victory celebration bonfire cracked the road. Aunts would go to church when waiting for a latter. Father made model planes and battleships. War scrapbook. Foods, never did without but sometimes things got short, family pooled resources, might swap coupons with others. Often taken to the cinema. Got some things from Americans, food, and mother had eggs as worked in egg factory. Making "banana" with essence and mashed potato. Clothes and "siren suits", women worked in munitions and wore trousers. Land army girls, always looked happy. Lots of dances. Knew someone pregnant when boyfriend killed, but was accepted and looked after. Had pay for health care. People looked after their own - earlier generation her mother had had to run to save her own grandmother from the workhouse. Visited mother's factory while she was fire watching. Tape on house windows in patterns. Christmas presents. New year first footing. Shops all dim during war - everything brighter afterwards and new goods. Heard of capture of German in Middleton in Teesdale, landed there. Waving lads off at the station. Popular songs of the time. Gardens used to vegetables.

Location: Walker, Middleton in Teesdale
County: Tyne and Wear, Durham


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