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Alan Linklater

Fairly well off - family firm, grandfather invented ship's accommodation ladder. Childhood activities on the beach, would teach other boys to sail, went to same school, no class divide. Some had no shoes; schemes locally to help them, village community. Children spent time on the beach, used to it compared to visitors. Girls and boys games. Sledging. General strike - travelling on trains, people throwing bricks. How people go onto jobs at sea. Frys ships. Police knew everyone, very little law breaking. Lamp lighter. The Tynemouth volunteer life brigade, practice days; saved lives in 1947. Kids picking up dropped herring at Fish Quay. Work of the foy boats. Bomb damage during world war two, told to clear off the beaches then they were fortified. Local sailing club. Bicycle. Father had a car. Mr Wakefield's charabancs.

Location: Tynemouth
County: Tyne and Wear


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