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Mrs Turner

Moving to Easington Lane on a flat cart, new house. Mother called those around “foreigners” – people moving from all over as fast as houses built. Roads bad, beach nearby with stalls. Co-op cart went over beach to get to Blackhall. Mother keeping food going all day for family on shifts. Mother’s brother didn’t stay long in village because no pubs, people would walk on railway line. Other buildings used for school. Sinker’s huts. Lots of strikes. Went into domestic service at 14. Wagons with food going out to collieries during strike. Butchers. Father got lost fetching home a goose. Mother baking and mat making. Children – walks, chucks, watching handball. Riot at the Big Club, brother stole some spoons, police got involved, mother begging sons to stay out, watched it burn.

Location: Horden
County: Durham


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