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Mr Smith

Parents met through working man’s club, moved around a lot, even to America briefly. Grandfather’s brothers died in Haswell disaster. Fire in the pit. Ride on hobby horse at school, first day only, didn’t try to learn at school. Teacher got children boxing when caught them fighting. Hard times, not much money. Mother often at grandmother’s looking after younger brothers. Playing organ. Reading titles in cinema for those that couldn’t. Games like kick the block. Lover’s lane. First cars and buses through Shotton. Meeting wife, she was still at school. Started on screens then down the pit, wanted to join friends with ponies. Starting with Sunderland football team then Crystal Palace, character of one of the others. Pear tree at school. Injury stopped him playing. Father beating manager at billiards. Game has changed – more kicking to goalkeeper. Pay as a footballer. Went down the pit again. 1926 strike – police baton charge, railwaymen removing track. Often fights on the street. Pigeon racing in the 1950s. Leek growing – used to tell people he put pigeon eggs on them, contests. Stuck in the pit while air raids on. Air raid shelters. Got dole stopped because played in the local football team even though only got 5 shillings. Pay when started in pit. Goalkeeper hanged himself just as he arrived at Crystal Palace. Relationship with grandmother. Gas lights.

Location: Shotton
County: Durham


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