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Tommy Robson

Around Cockfield fell, different bits of housing and who lived in them, location of bridges, quarry, railways, river. Walked to school over fell, or jumped on coal tubs. Christened by African missionaries. Snow on the fell. Helped care for animals. Buying sweets. Father found woman lost in snow. Grandfather drove small train, would give him ride. Watching hunt and animals from windows. Helping grandfather make fertiliser from sheep droppings. Grandfather stole tools from railway - had to get rid of them when railway policeman inspected house - sons debating over his property when he died, found more tools in a chest of drawers. Signing at employment agency, name too long for the form. People threw chamber pot contents in the river - and downstream children made dam and played in the water. Going to the cinema, films, walked by lantern made of candle in jam jar. Grandmother's clay pipe. Different livestock and other activities on the fell. Fetching Guinness for grandmother. Helping her make butter, churning, and with baking bread.

Location: Cockfield, Esperley
County: Durham


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