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Sheilagh Matheson

Industrial correspondent for Tyne Tees Television in the 1980s, followed the growing strike from its local roots in Sacriston. Routine filming picket lines. Knew it would be a long strike. Police were violent but always off-camera. Filmed attack on Ian MacGregor and subsequent interview, captured the spirit of the moment. Relationship with miners, some camaraderie but got harder over time. Provocative behaviour of southern police. Sadness of return to work. Long term effects on communities. Reported a little on women's role. People sceptical of a female industrial correspondent, but actually an advantage, people politer. Relationship with BBC reporter. MacGregor story was repeated around the world. Miners ill served by Arthur Scargill; Scargill as an interviewee. Irresponsibility of national press. Miners gave local press information about pickets etc.

County: Durham


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