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Police Helmet

Police Helmet

Durham Constabulary 1968 onwards. Cox Comb helmet with generic three triangles inserted at the front of the comb. Helmet plate is 1967 issue in plastic, consisting of a black Brunswick Star surmounted by a Queen's Crown. In the centre is the County Coat of Arms surrounded by the words " Durham Constabulary ". The word " County " was dropped from the title in 1967. Inside the lining written in pen are the words " T Maddison 656 ".



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Anonymous on 28/11/2013 said:
My grandfather and his bhorter were both Volunteers in the 3rd Northern Division.They lived in Cargan,In the Glens of Antrim and were involved in activity around the North Antrim area . I know they took part in the raid on Martinsown Barracks ,which is mentioned in the book Northern Divisions.They were part of the Colour Party that laid the Duffin Brothers to rest in Glenravel. I know that they also raided post offices and stopped mail trains that were carrying communications for the British Forces.Would appreciate any further information in relation to the IRA in this area.