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Police Hat

Police Hat

Durham Constabulary. Officer's black peaked cap 1935 pattern. Cap badge is the officer's 1967 issue, consisting of a white metal seven point star surmounted by a Queen's Crown. In the centre is the Durham Coat of Arms, surrounded by a blue enamel circle bearing the words " Durham Constabulary ". The silver braid on the peak denotes the rank of Chief Superintendent or Superintendent.



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Anonymous on 29/11/2013 said:
I have quite a bit of information on this, eiacesplly the 2nd brigade as my grandfather Willie Lynn was a commandant and a member of brigade staff. Testimonials and pension records which list everyone in the 2nd brigade entitled to a pension and a lot more who weren'tAlso lists of operations etc. I am willing to share if anyone is interested.In the picture above of the Rossa my other grandfather Edward O'Gorman is fifth from the left bottom rowTo Rosalie Popick above I dont believe it was Roger McCorley that Shot OBoyle, it was his brother Felix, who became Colonel in the Free State army