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Oral History of Tyneside (received 1st July 1992)

Oral History of Tyneside (received 1st July 1992)

Photocopy of Typescript proof containing transcripts. 1 - John Logan b.1892, Newcastle 2 - Joe Ging b.1927, Newcastle. 3 - Agnes Hall b.1897, Elizabeth Heron b.1903 sisters, Quayside Cafe. 4 - Sam Rowan, marched in Jarrow Crusade. 5 - Jack Ramshaw b.1907 Lumley & Harry Ferrier b.1895 Felling, Mining. 6 - Florence Rutherfore b.189-, Gateshead, Co-op worker. 7 - Ethel Beard b.1884, South Shields, Tailoring industry

Author: Beard, Ethel et al
Dewey: 309.1428
Number of Pages: 64
Illustrations: TRUE
Tables: FALSE


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