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Mr Jackson

Moved to area in 1912, loved the countryside. Started rat catching for hobby, soon providing rats for setting dogs on for sport. Making friends, gradually picking up the dialect. Large families in two-bedroomed houses. Big fire for everything, cooking, cleaning, washing. Beer was cheap and people shared money with their friends. Lots of fighting at weekends, open air boxing, difficult for policeman to deal with. Was in a band from 1920. Strong beer, man saying scars got in a fight were the best thing that happened as persuaded him to give up drinking. Working on the screens, then started taking messages and fetching explosives; then working on the landing. Got a safety certificate, responsible for miner's safety, detailed description of this. Details of job, relationship with pony, details of a pony's life. Someone killed in the pit. Another horse which was intelligent. Putting rats in to the tubs tied by their tails. Left pit in 1926, started a shoe repairing business. The cage, how it worked, how ponies were transferred underground. Pony accidentally killed. Finding the way in the dark when light went out. Thought there was a ghost, after a fall of coal - was actually an escaped pony whose keeper was injured.

Location: Stanley
County: Durham


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