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Police History Society - Preserving the history of the North East Forces
Police Helmet
Gateshead Borough Police 1953 - late 1960's. Two panelled helmet with standard rose top. Helmet plate is 1953 issue, consisting of a black Brunswick Star surmounted by a Queen's Crown. In the centre is the Gateshead Coat of Arms surrounded by the words " Gateshead Police ". Gateshead Police was absorbed into Northumberland Constabulary in the late 1960's, which in turn went on to become Northumbria Police in 1974.
Police Helmet
Durham County Constabulary 1903 - 1920's. Four panelled ceremonial helmet with standard rose top and military style chin strap. Helmet plate is a large black Brunswick Star of military appearance, surmounted by a King's Crown. Was the first ceremonial helmet and the first plate to carry the King's Crown badge. This type of helmet plate and helmet disappeared from use in the 1920's.
Police Helmet
Newcastle-upon-Tyne City Police c.1900's. Ball topped, six panelled helmet. Helmet plate consists of a circlet bearing the words " Newcastle-upon-Tyne " surrounded by a wreath, and surmounted by a King's Crown. In the centre is the Newcastle Coat of Arms. Newcastle City Police was absorbed into Northumberland Constabulary in the late 1960's, which in turn became Northumbria Police in 1974.
Police Helmet
Durham Constabulary c.1950's. " The Corker " motorcycle crash helmet. Body of helmet is leather over a hard plastic shell, with a cork interior. Chin strap is built into the ear flaps. Word " Police " is painted on the front of the helmet in white.
Police Helmet
Durham Constabulary 1968 onwards. Cox Comb helmet with generic three triangles inserted at the front of the comb. Helmet plate is 1967 issue in plastic, consisting of a black Brunswick Star surmounted by a Queen's Crown. In the centre is the County Coat of Arms surrounded by the words " Durham Constabulary ". The word " County " was dropped from the title in 1967. Inside the lining written in pen are the words " T Maddison 656 ".
Police Helmet
Durham Constabulary 1963 - 1968. Cox Comb helmet with insert at front of comb displaying Durham County Coat of Arms. Helmet plate is 1967 issue, consisting of black Brunswick Star surmounted by Queen's Crown. In the centre is the County Coat of Arms surrounded by the words " Durham Constabulary ", the word " County " having being dropped from the title in 1967. Written on the inside of the lining in pen are the words " P.C. K Pardey 2492 ".
Police Helmet
Borough of Gateshead c.1900's. Ball topped, four panelled helmet. Helmet plate is the Gateshead Coat of Arms surrounded by a wreath, with the words " Borough of Gateshead " beneath. Worn by Chief Constable .
Police Helmet
Durham County Constabulary c.1890. Spiked, four panelled regulation helmet with military style chin strap. Worn by Superintendents. Helmet plate is 1880 - 1902 issue, consisting of a circlet bearing the words " Durham County Constabulary " surrounded by a wreath. In the centre is the Durham Coat of Arms and the whole badge is surmounted by a Victorian Crown. Badge is made of brass. This was the first true Durham helmet plate.
Police Helmet
Durham County Constabulary. Regulation six panelled helmet painted white with rose top. Worn by the police band. Helmet plate is 1967 issue, and consists of a black Brunswick Star surmounted by a Queen's Crown. In the middle is the Durham County Coat of Arms, with the words " Durham Constabulary " around it. Written on the inside lining in pen are the words " PC 1860 Crossley ".
Police Helmet
Durham County Constabulary 1950 - 1963. Fourth pattern, two panelled helmet. Fitted with standard black rose top. Helmet plate is 1950- 1953 issue, and consists of a black Brunswick Star surmounted by a King's Crown. In the centre is the Durham County Coat of Arms.
Police Helmet
Durham County Constabulary 1950 - 1963. Fourth pattern, two panelled helmet. Fitted with standard rose top. Helmet plate is 1950 - 1953 issue, and consists of a black Brunswick Star surmounted by a King's Crown. In the centre is the Durham County Coat of Arms.
Police Helmet
Durham County Constabulary 1912 - 1920. Made from plaited straw painted black. To be worn only in the summer during very hot days. Fitted with the Durham type top, see 2003-24.33 for further details on this. Helmet plate is the 1906 pattern, the Durham Constabulary badge surmounted by a Kings Crown.
Police Helmet
Durham County Constabulary 1906 - 1920. Ball topped ceremonial helmet with military style chin strap. Also later worn by the mounted branch. Helmet plate consists of a circlet bearing the words " Durham County Constabulary" surrounded by a wreath. In the centre is the Durham Coat of Arms and the whole badge is surmounted by a Victorian Crown. Badge is made of brass.
Police Helmet
Durham County Constabulary helmet, c.1875. Second style, four panel construction with leather peak. Helmet plate is " DCC " in scrollwork, surmounted by a small crown. Helmet top is an an unusual ventilator consisting of a rose top with a raised post topped with another small rose. This helmet furniture was unique to Durham and lasted until 1950.
Wood. Victorian Police Truncheon. Large painted on Royal coat of arms, beneath which is the word "Police", gold lettering on red background. Ribbed handgrip at base.
Wood. Durham City Police Truncheon. Painted Victorian Crown at top. In the middle is the Durham City coat of arms. Beneath it are the words "Durham Police", gold lettering on red background. Ribbed handgrip at base.
Durham County Constabulary Truncheon. Painted decoration of a Victorian Crown, along with scrollwork that reads "Durham County Police" yellow lettering on blue. Leather wrist strap has brass whistle attached. Whistle named "The Metropolitan".
Ernie Keedy
Passenger ferries on the Tyne. The Kelly, Mountbatten kept crashing it. Not many sailing boats left. Launching of ships a nuisance, had to stop working on the river. Launch of battleship George V - propellers weren’t attached until after, was involved in removing protective coverings from propeller shafts. Learning to swim and life saving lessons in local pool; playing in sea as a small child. River police didn't have much to do. During world war two worked as a special, checking where bombs had landed and guiding fire brigades in; blackout. Only got pocket money not wages because working for ...
George Patterson
Provided by Mr Eccles and Mr Branfoot. Family life, toilets and using the leek trench or ash heaps instead. Neighbours. The ash heap. Clippy and proggy mats. The house and the beds. The end of world war one - armistice. Fireplaces and heating. Siblings. Tin baths, miners getting clean but leaving their backs dirty. Colliery showers. School, school equipment. Discipline and at school and home, father had a cat o'nine tails and a hammer, disciplinarian. Eventually two of his sons attacked him back and made him stop hitting mother. Layout of house. Water supply. Keeping hens and allotments. Bakin...
Norah Balls and Connie Lewcock
Suffragette movement - meetings, going to parliament, involvement in fire at railway station, fooling the police. Petitions, meetings, manhandling.


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