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Mr Lockey
Poems - e.g. "the Bellingham Show", "£10,000", “Yorkshireman’s lament”. How he and his father managed a dairy farm; crisis during foot and mouth; South Shields milk round, ploughing, sowing and reaping, stacking wheat, father mowed with a scythe. Price of milk, buying cows, glass bottles. Shooting and trapping rabbits and hares, training dogs.
Charlie Flint
process of brewing in Yorkshire Clubs brewery - gives a tour around the brewery, explaining in detail what was done in each bit and how the equipment worked.
Charlie Flint
process of brewing in Yorkshire Clubs brewery - how the barrels were cleaned and checked, how process changed with new quick blower.
J. Agar
Introduction of margarine in 1909. Tobacco, different kinds, could save coupons for a watch. Brother a colliery post boy. Local tramps. Getting a gramophone. Strike of 1921, diet, pig killing. Father came from ironstone mines in Yorkshire. Village previously "Esh New Winning". Starting in the pit, darkness there. Village women helping with nursing. Brother came back in a cart after broke his leg in the mine. Funerals - blinds pulled down along the street, verse on a memorial card. The annual show, trying to get in, different things there. Aeroplanes came to show and on British tour, pre world ...
Bill Lysaght
Family background in Limerick, Ireland. Work in mines, pay and conditions. Irish in mines in Yorkshire, gradual integration into the community. Difference in Consett - more friendly.
David Mallett
Father a mining engineer at Chopwell. Layout of house, how official's houses differed. The Chopwell lockout of 1925, Consett Ironworks, lead in to General Strike of 1926. Chopwell socialist. How strike affected childhood, part of gangs, stuck with other officials' children. School - teachers, assembly, checked for neatness. Had poorer friends, noticing difference. Knew the Lawther family. Degree of class distinction in the village, nature of relationships. Went to Newcastle Grammar school, differences, what taught. Became mining apprentice at Consett, learning checks, safety measures and so on...
anonymous man
Father a keeker at the colliery, also master's weighman. Grandfather horsekeeper. Both Methodists. Grandfather lost an eye in the 1891 strike. Jim worked as colliery clerk for two years, then for county council. Rates of pay. Mines in Cornsay and seggar used for bricks and exported. Colliery owners benefactors to Methodism. Maternal grandmother from Cornwall, paternal grandfather from Yorkshire. Village life - rural setting, sports. School - strike when head teacher roughly treated boy whose father had recently died in world war one. Gardens and livestock. Typical Sunday. Jack Lawson - connect...
Mr Caunce
Lecture on the uses and abuses of oral history with specific reference to the horse lads of East Yorkshire
northumbria anthology
A day in Redcar: Teesside songs. Aad Stokesley Toon, Cleveland Steel, Din’t Mek Gam’ O’ Me, The Moulder’s Wedding, The Yorkshire Volunteers’ Farewell, Twee Match Lads, Ring Of Iron, Nitty Nora, A Change Is As Good As A Rest, The Chemical Workers’ Song, Going To Pawn, Song Of Thornaby, A Day In Redcar, The London Piece, Ore Boats, The Hurworth Fox Chase
Mr Richardson
Streets unfinished, water from storage tanks, not electricity till 1930. Sewage went into becks, but children still played there. Lots of carts of street sellers – Co-op order man, chemist, fruit and veg, rag and bone man (bad smell) who also sold sweets and paper windmills, beggars. Children’s games often rhymes, like “Isher Asher” song. School teachers. Lost classmates in influenza of 1918. In world war one houses had metal shutters against both Zeppelins and the IRA, saw Zeppelin shot down. No-one allowed barefoot in winter, but some had adult boot stuffed with paper. Grandmother called eve...
Mr and Mrs Allen
Pitch and toss – brother in law told to go there by doctor during wife’s labour, to get him out! Early streets built with gardens. Shop with a sock knitting machine. Scared of one shopkeeper. Voucher system for food during 1926 strike, father picking coal from pit heap. Got food from soup kitchens, food served from set pots, didn’t go at first but later had to. Dripping for tea. Allotments. Playing games on rough ground, playing marbles. Food – prices, potstuff, suet pudding, Yorkshire pudding, aunty who brought salmon. Uncle who hid pennies on the beach for them. Most men “tipped up” money to...


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