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Police History Society - Preserving the history of the North East Forces
Mr Jackson
Moved to area in 1912, loved the countryside. Started rat catching for hobby, soon providing rats for setting dogs on for sport. Making friends, gradually picking up the dialect. Large families in two-bedroomed houses. Big fire for everything, cooking, cleaning, washing. Beer was cheap and people shared money with their friends. Lots of fighting at weekends, open air boxing, difficult for policeman to deal with. Was in a band from 1920. Strong beer, man saying scars got in a fight were the best thing that happened as persuaded him to give up drinking. Working on the screens, then started takin...
Eliza Brown
Born in Howden le Wear, youngest of 13 children. Parents - father an Annfield Plain miner. Eliza started work at 14, nursemaid. Became a postwoman during world war one 1914-21 -duties, rounds, clothing, training, got in trouble for taking a short cut, police had to escort her in one section, shifts, clothing, working in the snow, helping police, arguing with other workers, delivering to gypsies. Married George Brown and lived in Stanley. Caned at school, no sympathy from parents. No sex education. Children all shared bedroom. Dolls. Given chores as children. Health care as a child, home remedi...
Jim Tyrell
Police work
anonymous ironstone miner
Born in Loftus. Small house. Served time as a painter and decorator. Worked in Ironstone Mines. Drove a steam crane at Skinningrove steelworks. School. Police giving corporal punishment. Getting water. Toilet. Poverty. Doctors and home remedies. Dances - clothes worn. National Health Service
Father Stronge
Got the sack from convent primary school for "operating" on a doll. Medical school for one year, then decided to enter the church. Living conditions in the slums of Gateshead. Large families, arguments about religion. Irish immigrants in Gateshead, slums, lodging houses. Ceilidhs. Dryburn. Health problems. Changes in wealth over generations. Bookmakers - police. Funeral customs. Cooking a fourpenny sheep's head. Priest's clothing. Price of a lodge exchanged for a gill of beer. Jewish community. Labourers surveillance.
Mr Davison
Children "breeched". Hiding from Zeppelin. Co-op food department and ordering system. Horse and carts with milk, rabbits etc for sale. Crystal radio. Miniature railway delivering coals to the back yard. Middens, washhouses, lines across the alley, a few street lights. Fetching water, washing in rain barrel. Camping with scouts. "Pit time" ten minutes late to fit round trains. Women's work cleaning and mending pit clothes, proggy mats and baking. Newspaper for toilet paper, fetching water, horse muck. Children's games including skippy, jack shine a light, cigarette cards, red ash got everywhere...
Brian Gargate
Grandfather a lead miner, other family members policemen. Father policeman, moved around a lot. Working conditions for a policeman. Working in lead mine. Policeman's pay.
Terry Hutchinson
Friends and street games, in detail. "Canny", forms of chase and catch, "tally ho". Horror at playing "catchy kiss" with girls. Older children using time in hide and seek for a kiss. Sledging. Going into the fields to play soldiers, one boy made catapult sling from his own boot leather. Cricket - bat struck by lightning. Dangerous games with trees. Relay races in the street. Later got bikes. Going bird nesting, details of how they found eggs of various types. Accidentally killed a partridge so had eggs fried. Set fire to home guard station, world war two. Relationship with local policeman. Hay...
Jimmy Mullen
Worked briefly in shipyard before starting with platelayers, repairing and maintaining railway track. Frequent accidents, some fatalities. Mentions evening classes. Baff week. Walking to work when saw a circus walking along the road, startled by elephants. Wooden houses owned by railway, lived in one, originally water brought in a tank. Dealing with derailments. Incline method of moving sets of wagons. Grandfather a policeman.
Victoria Robinson
History of various family members, grandfather a police sergeant. Lots of industry near Shotley Bridge, horses transporting flour. Grandfather moved up to work in iron works but ended up a doctor's handyman. Had to get water from a well. Oley's lived locally, German swordmakers. Getting a job at ironworks against fathers wishes, doing shorthand and typing, had to learn at college. Son died in accident at ironworks in 1940, crushed. School rooms, taking cocoa. Liked maths. Chapel recitation - recites long version of "Trouble in Amen corner" taught by grandmother. Great grandfather a passionate ...
Mr Scrafton
Started work in the shipyards at 14, but got the sack for bookmaking - was playing trick on others in the plumbers shop, said would throw everyone's winnings in the bust, threw washers - then boss came in. Mean test assessors said father could keep him, as a bookmaker - even though bookmaking illegal. Father's methods as bookmaker, started after shipyard injury. Police raiding house. Went on the parish, had to borrow, sold medals for football playing. Took coal from the heap and was going to be sent to jail for it but brother paid fines. Process of taking bets on the streets, examples of parti...
Kibblesworth memories
Kibblesworth houses. Boy died in a fire. Office where miners went for their pay notes. Inside the shop-post office. Teasing children. Windows moved form back to front of houses. Chased by police. Salvation Army. Street layout. Miner's tin bath. The knocker-up. Possing and housework. Pit accidents, men brought out on long stretcher.
Mr Jim Middleton
Family. Joining the police. Interview and training. Duties at Wallsend, traffic duty. Office and cells. Duties at Blyth. Marriage 1939. Order of merit. Bomber over Amble. Crash landing of Stirling bomber, children killed. World war two. Sea mine defused. Liverpool, Blanchland. Police transport. Chollerford road accidents. Football and cricket
anonymous soldier and builder
Part 1: family background. Mother's funeral, childhood games. School. Throwing stones over the viaduct. Hare coursing. Shrove Tuesday. Forged money. The circus. Dainty Dinah factory, Newfield colliery. 1926 strike - riot between miners and police. 1984 strike. Childhood pet dog. Building of Burnhope reservoir. Opening of the Tyne Bridge. Moving to Stockton. Holidays. Ravensworth castle tattoo, military reconstruction. Fenham barracks. Job as driver of six horses in army. Field pieces, a 4.5 howitzer, description. Duties in India. Travelling to the north west frontier. Mutilation of prisoners. ...
Ernie Keedy
Putting a water pipe in by Newburn bridge during world war two. Playing with detonator parts as a small child. Cleaning diving suits and hanging to dry. The "Arab" riots and the tensions that caused them, fault of boarding house keepers. Playing with boolers, marbles etc. Camping on Camel's Island, Marsden, makeshift tent, roasting potatoes. The West family, story involving tea and a seagull. Sid West raking for coal at the end of the jetty. Life too busy to be superstitious. Getting tows on the river if broken down. Guano works. Fish quay festival, fishermen drunk. 1930s films. Poor houses, o...
Evacuated just before world war two broke out, stayed in Middleton in Teesdale. Introduced to rural life, different experiences - feeding goats, swimming in the river etc. Soldiers around. Siren was a policeman with a whistle. Aeroplane came over, shots in the street. Sweets hard to come by, things gradually rationed though to start with not too bad. After two years went back to live in Walker. Air raids heavy. Uncle too young to join up, at 18, but had to do fire duties. Family stayed together, all the women in house of grandfather. Inside the air raid shelter, gasmasks and gas suit for baby....
Derek Hall
Appearance of the house in the 1930s and 40s. Appearance of the village of Quaking Houses, street layout and position of landmarks. Boy drowned in pit reservoir. Shifting ground and subsidence, caused crack in field. Two friends set fire to a hut. Local characters. Lock-ins at the pub. Attitude of the managers, thought they owned the village, could threaten the sack. Quoits - local champion, local matches. Father had to be called back from a quoits match for his christening. Streets. Daily life, sanding the front step. Boxing - boxer threatening a family. Football team, changed in houses as no...
David Tindale
Russian food parcels in 1984 strike, comment by man who fought in Russian Revolution. More on cricket. Team went around during 1926 strike. Stories about the Home Guard in the area. Layout of the house - father plumbed in a hot water system; method of washing clothes; bath with a hinged top; got very cold upstairs. Pay at organ works; secrecy about union membership. Pranks played on and by apprentices at the engine works. New apprentices Christmas Box, had to sing a carol for it. The garage there. Identifying people on photograph of organ works. First encounter with policeman, at five. The var...
Alan Linklater
Fairly well off - family firm, grandfather invented ship's accommodation ladder. Childhood activities on the beach, would teach other boys to sail, went to same school, no class divide. Some had no shoes; schemes locally to help them, village community. Children spent time on the beach, used to it compared to visitors. Girls and boys games. Sledging. General strike - travelling on trains, people throwing bricks. How people go onto jobs at sea. Frys ships. Police knew everyone, very little law breaking. Lamp lighter. The Tynemouth volunteer life brigade, practice days; saved lives in 1947. Kids...
anon Benwell couple
Peg lived in Paradise village - grandparents had boathouse pub. Playing by railway embankment. Ferry trips over the Tyne. Area nicknamed Saddlers square. Big parties around the piano. Father put car engines on old lifeboats, went on boat trips. Ovaltiney. Relative an engine driver, would throw coal off the train for them as it went by. Evacuation to Lake District - school there, digging for victory, thought would have to be well behaved to stay with vicar. Jack not evacuated in world war two, but no school - took allotments instead. Air raids, planes nearby. Getting batteries recharged. Jacks...


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